Monday, April 7, 2014

Lying about the sound of juggling

I was worried going into this performance that my lie would not work. I thought the throwing oranges sounded enough like juggling to work and I seem to have had decent results with the audience. I liked the piece mostly because I got to play a joke on the audience in what is typically meant to be a rather serious environment. Not only did it mock art but also those attempting to enjoy it. A little mean but still funny.


  1. I really enjoyed this piece. It made me laugh when I found out that you were not really juggling, because I truly did believe that that is what you were doing, when we could not see you. I enjoyed the sounds that we, as an audience, were hearing. It was very rhythmic, but also got "off beat" at times. I was imagining you juggling, and then throwing one of the oranges a little bit too far and having to reach for it, which fluctuated the rhythm. I was worried that you were going to drop them. But, at the same time, I think I would have liked the sound of an orange hitting the floor. I also liked the aesthetics of your performance. The oranges were neatly placed on a pedestal, as if you were going to do some kind of magic show. But, then we could not see the magic show because we were blindfolded. The whole performance then became a magic trick because of your joke.

  2. I like you how you turned everything into a joke like you do with art. Sometimes art needs to take a break from being heavy, depressing and serious (like mine) and be entertaining (like yours). To be honest, when you made us cover our eyes, I knew right away that you were gonna do something else, anything else but juggling. It was simple and funny. I enjoyed it!

  3. I am extremely jealous I didn't get to see this. It seemed like such a great idea. And original idea. I appreciate that. It's simple, has a point, and is funny. What more could we want.

  4. This piece made me laugh so hard. I enjoyed having being blind folded and having to listen to the sounds you were producing. I don’t know about anyone else but I thought you were juggling the entire time. I wonder how this would work with a bigger crowd. Also it would be interesting if the pace was picked up or slowed down. Even if you had different types of objects to make sounds form. It would be pretty cool to experience the different sounds. Overall your entire performance was very interesting with how you manipulated what the audience herd. Do more.
